Woven nets for many applications

woven nets
2019-09-26|Kategoria: Usługi / Inne Usługi

Woven nets are formed by braiding metal wires. They are made from the specially made wires. They are often used as fences, protective elements or stable screens. To protect against corrosion, they are usually made of stainless steel. As a result, they are distinguished by their resistance to weather conditions and optical qualities. They are extremely durable, durable and resistant to weather conditions. That is why they are perfect for all projects carried out in external conditions. Woven nets can be used in a variety of ways: on large surfaces as fashionable stair railings or compactly as covers for ventilation shafts. Due to their stability, they are ideal as protective elements. Their open structure does not obscure other objects, which allows you to combine the function of effective protection with an attractive appearance. The Perfopol company is a team of specialists who take care of the highest quality of woven nets every day.

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